MASSAGE-Abhyanga Treatment

What is MASSAGE-Abhyanga?

MASSAGE-Abhyanga is a form of Ayurvedic therapy that involves massage of the entire body from the head to the toe with Dosha-specific warm herb-infused oil. The oil is commonly pre-mixed with herbs for specific conditions

MASSAGE-Abhyanga will evacuate the overabundance doshas and redress awkward nature in them and also take the unsafe ama out of your framework through the body’s very own organs and channels of disposal (colon, sweat organs, lungs, bladder, urinary tract, stomach, digestive organs, and so forth). Panchakarma refines the tissues at a profound level. Like every single medicinal method, Panchakarma Therapy constantly should start with an underlying counsel by a qualified Ayurvedic Physician who can decide the person’s Prakriti (sacred compose), the nature of the medical issue (assuming any), and the proper level of power of the endorsed treatments.

Benefits of MASSAGE-Abhyanga

panchakrma treatment

Completely purifies the body
Riddance of toxins
Speeding up the metabolism
Reducing weight
Enhancing the strength of digestive fire
Opening up of blocked channels
Relaxing the mind and body
Rejuvenation of tissues
Boosts Immunity
Relieves stress